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UNBRICK BACK TO STOCK Flash Stock ROM Relock Bootloader Remove TWRP [GUIDE]

 Easy Ways of How to Fix a Bricked Android Phone

Try At Your Own Risk

It's For XOOTD 

This GUIDE is useful to achieve the following,
  1. Unbrick your device
  2. Flash Stock Rom
  3. Remove TWRP / flash stock recovery
  4. Lock the bootloader
  5. Enable OTA ( if you have unlocked using Asus official bootloader unlock tool then you will not get OTA )
  6. Files Needed are,
  7. Fastboot Firmware :

Files Needed are,

Firmware: We Provide two firmware Choice is yours

Drivers: Windows Drivers AFH

WW-15.2016.1810.334 AFH (md5 : fd39c734cbe2722c0cea02f09cba528e) OR

WW-15.2016.1810.337 AndroidHost (md5 : 84197c90f2c913f5cd18dd06b9d82c4b)

Applicable for,

  1. Model : ZB601KL (try on ZB602KL on your own risk)
  2. ROM: Does not matter - Stock or Custom (AEX, Lineage etc.)
  3. Recovery: Stock / TWRP
  4. Bootloader State: Locked / Unlocked
  5. Root : Rooted / Non-rooted users


  1. Make a backup of all your apps and data. Internal Storage will be formatted. External will be safe but better to back it up as well.
  2. Make a mind to take full responsibility of your actions. I have tested the solution on my personal device which was UNOFFICIALLY unlocked. But the risk is entirely yours if you follow the guide.
  3. Make sure you validate checksum of all downloaded files before proceeding.

    Steps to be followed:

  1. Charge your device to more than 50%.
  2. Remove all password protections - select SWIPE to unlock.
  3. Create a new folder that does not have any spaces in the folder name as well as the folder path.
  4. Download Fastboot Firmware and Drivers to the above folder & extract both zips which will give you 2 new folders .. one for each.
  5. Connect the device to Computer and Install drivers based on your system. [ General process, go to Windows Device manager --> Select Android device --> right click and select update driver --> browse to the base path where the drivers are extracted and select it .. wait for windows to finish and show a success message. ]
  6. Enable USB debugging. Connect the device to the PC and open-shell in ADB. Type adb devices it should list your phone.
  7. You should be able to see results just like below before you proceed,
  8. Capture.PNG
  9. Boot into fastboot mode & connect to PC. [ For fast boot mode, turn the device off then Press power+Volume Up until you see the Asus logo OR use command ADB reboot bootloader as shown in the above screenshot. ]
  10. Open firmware folder and click on flashall_AFT.cmd & wait for the device to restart on its own. Takes about 5 min so be patient.
  11. Setup your device.
  12. You will have a System update notification after that. Install OTA and enjoy.

  1. You can download the recovery firmware from the above links and put it in Internal Storage (DO NOT keep it inside any folder.).
  2. You will get a system update file detected message. Click on it to update.
  3. If you want to uninstall a few of the stock apps without ROOT access then refer to my other post HERE.

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About the Author

Hi I m Tonny Stark Own And Founder of

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